Mercier | Hochelaga-Maisonneuve
Rosemont | La Petite-Patrie
Plateau-Mont-Royal | Anjou Montreal East

Maria Corsi is running for School Commissioner in Ward 4, a diverse and expansive area that stretches from the Plateau to the East End. As a proud product of Quebec’s English public education system, she believes passionately in the responsibility we all share to nurture, protect, and defend it.

  • As a mother of two children enrolled in EMSB schools, she is deeply involved in school life—serving as a parent volunteer, a representative on governing boards, and a delegate on the EMSB Parents’ Committee. Since 2019, she has dedicated herself to protecting East End schools from government threats of closure. When the Education Minister proposed transferring our schools to the French board, she spearheaded the grassroots movement “Save Our East End Schools.” Together with parents and entire school communities, they organized protests and human chain rallies, sending a clear message: “Keep your hands off our schools.” They also launched a letter-writing campaign, mobilizing support across the EMSB network.
Over the past five years, Maria helped our communities navigate some of the biggest challenges the EMSB has faced, including school transfers, the COVID-19 pandemic, and unconstitutional laws like Bills 21, 40, and 96. As a Parent Commissioner, she passionately advocated for the survival of our small schools, valuing their tight-knit communities and their unique contributions to student success. Her achievements include:
  • Contributing to briefs and statements defending our school communities in response to forced school transfers and pandemic challenges.
  • Collaborating with the EMSB Marketing and Communications team to develop strategies that have increased enrollment in our schools.
  • Relaunching the “Save Our East End Schools” Facebook page under the name “Focus on East End Schools” to highlight the strengths of our schools.
  • Facilitating the EMSB Parents’ Committee Focus Group on Enrollment, encouraging best practices and marketing initiatives to boost student retention.
  • Advocating for the creation of a Virtual School, which led to the establishment of the Quebec Virtual Academy, an initiative for students with long-term medical conditions, elite athletes, and rural students.
Maria is proud to run as part of Team Joe Ortona. Under Joe’s leadership, the EMSB has achieved the highest success rate among all Quebec schools and has been at the forefront of defending our community’s right to manage its educational institutions. She has seen firsthand how the parent voice is heard and respected under his leadership. If elected as School Commissioner for Ward 4, Maria will:
  • Actively promote our schools to boost enrollment and improve transitions from elementary to high school.
  • Strengthen school communities by addressing local challenges and supporting student well-being.
  • Leverage her 26 years of experience in building engineering to create a climate action plan for our schools, pursuing funding to make our infrastructure more sustainable and resilient.
  • Defend the rights of the English-speaking minority and ensure the survival and vitality of our schools.
Maria is ready to continue advocating for our schools and our community. She has the experience, dedication, and vision to represent the interests of the English-speaking community in Ward 4 and to hit the ground running as part of Team Joe Ortona. Together, we can elevate educational heights and defend English rights!